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We Specialize in Finding Your Project an Affordable Zero Liquid Discharge Option for Treating your RO or EDR Brine !!

Next Generation
Desalination Technologies!
  • Zero Brine is Finally a Cost-Effective Reality! 

  • 99%+ Water Recovery, and it can be Cheaper Than Trucking or Evaporating Brine

  • Can be Used to Remediate All Types of Impaired Water Sources

  • Can be Renewably Powered

Out of our deep support as a Founding Industry Partner of the National Alliance for Water Innovation over the last 5+ years, we have now built close relationships with multiple inventors, researchers, and companies whom we believe will drive the future of water remediation. Several of our partners are already winning recognition for their breakthroughs as their techno-logies move into commercialization. Our company has in place certain exclusive rights to bring these technologies into the market. 

The most important of these breakthroughs is a non-Thermal Zero Liquid Discharge Technology based on Switchable Solvent technology devel-oped by one of our partners. We can now recover 99% of the water in RO or EDR brine and concentrate the final brine to over 400,000 mg/L. This can be done at a price point that is 20% of current thermally based ZLD processes that actually can recover the water in the brine.  And if you currently truck brine off for ocean disposal or deep well injection, we can save you at least 50% on your current trucking and disposal bill, plus we will recover the water you are currently wasting. 


Desalinating impaired water sources is the only practical path forward for creating the significant new supplies of water needed by Agriculture to offset cuts in surface water delivery, or in groundwater pumping, that are now underway throughout the West.


Whether you are an irrigation district, or a grower, and whether you need an additional 300 acre-feet per year of water supply,  or 3,000 acre-feet, you should get in touch with us and find out what the latest generation of breakthrough desal technologies are capable of. We have the only cost-effective Zero Brine technology currently in the market.


It is the first and only technology to actually solve the brine disposal problems that have blocked practically every inland desalination project in the West.


Desalinating brackish groundwater, drainage water, seawater intrusion, recycled water, or produced water can finally be both cost effective, and practical, for agriculture. 


We are Project Developers and System Integrators. We will evaluate the feasibility of your project for free. We will recommend and price out the best water remediation technologies and the best renewable technologies for your particular needs. We can then permit and construct and turn a desal plant over to you on a turnkey basis, or we can own and operate it and treat your water for you for a per acre foot fee. 


Our focus is mainly on water for agriculture in the western states - from California to Texas - but we are open to other projects.

Connect with Us...






805-947-3334 x111




Or, Fill Out the Form on our CONTACT page.


    Now You Can Affordably Remediate these Water Sources for Irrigation!
    Wells with High TDS
    Irrigation Tile Runoff Water
    Oil Produced Water
    Wells with Seawater Intrusion
    Effluent from Municipal WWTP Plants

    2024 - Global Water Innovations is excited to announce that we will be piloting a revolutionary new Zero Liquid Discharge technology at 5 sites across the state of California - 2 cities, 2 ag sites, and an industrial site in 2024. This project was chosen for grant funding by the U.S. Department of Energy, and by the California Department of Water Resources. This new technology is 80% cheaper than current thermal ZLD technologies, and will have a huge impact on affordability of inland desalination. See the Press Release below:

    3/27/2023 - Global Water Innovations has finished delivering all remaining Ozone, MMF, & Desalination Equipment to the construction site at the Piru Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ventura County. Final hookups are underway. Start up and commissioning is underway. The permeate produced will be used to recharge the local groundwater basin. The EDR system will desalinate and recover an extraordinary 95% of the incoming effluent from the WWTP.

    1/26/2023 - Clark Easter, the CEO of Global Water Innovations, was honored to be asked to be a roundtable speaker on water's Brine Crisis at the latest American Water Summit in L.A. 


    March '22 -  The National Nut Grower Magazine asked Clark Easter, CEO of Global Water Innovations, to write a lead article in their Sustainability Issue on using impaired water sources to create significant new water supplies for agriculture. California grows over 90% of all nut crops in the U.S., but is rapidly running out of sufficient fresh water to grow food. Click the Download Button to the Right to download the full article. 

    10/28/2021 - Global Water Innovations is excited to announce that we were one of the five startups chosen to compete  for seed funding in the AgSharks Pitch Competition at the Western Growers Annual Meeting in San Diego! Water is key to our food security. We are a committed member of Western Growers!

    12/18/2021 - Global Water Innovations is pleased to announce that we have won the contract to supply the Piru Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ventura County with the EDR Desalination and Zero Liquid Discharge technology package we put together and previously piloted for the Piru WWTP. Construction is anticipated to start in December. Our equipment will remediate 200 GPM of effluent from the WWTP so that it can safely be used for groundwater recharge in the Piru basin. 

    9/18/2020 - Clark Easter, the CEO of Global Water Innovations was honored to be asked to help represent NAWI in their virtual presentation to U.S. Congressional Staff concerning NAWI's mission of advancing affordable desalination technologies -- specifically around the needs of agriculture.


    Go to to view the recording. 

    12/15/2019 - Global Water Innovations is pleased to announce that we have achieved what we believe to be the highest water recovery - 95% - ever demonstrated in the state during our 2 week pilot at the Piru Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ventura County. We demonstrated that we can economically desalinate the effluent from the plant so that its TDS and Cl levels can meet state MCL's for groundwater recharge. Reducing the brine to only 5% by volume will enable us to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge at this site.

    9/23/2019 - Global Water Innovations became a founding corporate member of the National Alliance for Water Innovation ("NAWI") right at its inception in 2017. We are very excited that the U.S. DOE has now chosen NAWI as the national hub for desalination innovation, backing it with $100 million of funding, and we look forward to working on projects with our research partners in NAWI to develop and pilot low cost Zero Brine technologies to produce new supplies of affordable water for agriculture.

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